Monday, January 12, 2009

i'm so excited and just won't hide it!!!

Ok, after years (yes, years) of procrastination here is proof, that i shouldn't any longer.
Maybe the fact, that a friend of mine loaned me a book call "The idiots guide to procrastination"
should have been enough of a hint, but eh...

So, after much ado, here is something I am extremely proud of. Ever since I came to Atlanta
12 years ago, one of my favorite landmarks has been the lions in front of One Marquis Tower.
And now, ok since 2 years ago or so, my art is in one of the big landmarks in Atlanta (the Marquis)!
Guarded by those lions. I am smitten. They have remodeled the Marriott Marquis a while ago
and they have done a great job. It looks fabulous! The furniture and the carpet look awesome
in there. Mind you, it is a huge space and to update it, was probably not an easy undertaking,
but I wouldn't mind staying there. It's swanky. I am so proud and excited. I was a bit uneasy
before going there. I thought I might not be too proud of what I would see.
But damn, I am. Phew.


Amy said...

that is awesome! they look great!

jeanette said...

Yay! Thanks for inviting me along to go have a look. The pieces really do look incredible. You have every reason to be excited!

Janelle said...

CONGRATULATIONS!!!! This is fantastic news. Every hotel in Atlanta needs to showcase your stuff. I think it looks great!!!

Unknown said...

Das passt alles perfekt!