Saturday, May 9, 2009

Trees Atlanta

Yesterday (and today) Trees Atlanta is having its annual tree focused art show.
They were so gracious to include one of my vases in the show. It is a really nice collection
of art (needless to say, haha). Their space is brand new and very beautiful, and who knew,
it is three minutes away from our studio! They had super delicious food catered by
Whole Foods and an open bar - hmmm, gin and tonic is my favorite drink!
There was a lot of confusion on my part which piece I had submitted that I kept on bringing
the wrong piece and finally got it right shortly before the show opened.
Anyway, while I was there my piece sold.
Good thing I had the vase that I exchanged before still in my car and now I have
another chance of selling tonight. Yay!
The piece that sold was one of my favorites and the first one of the series. sigh.
I think the reason I kept on messing up with bringing the wrong vase was because
I didn't really want anybody else to own it. It looked quite lovely on my piano.
Well, I'm not complaining...

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